Monday, September 18, 2006

Laughter is best

Remi: Why am i attracted to interesting people with personnality?
Remi: how about trying the decorative plant approach?
Remi: nice to look at but no conversation
Remi: hmmmm
Remi: i'm too poor for the trophy wife approach anyway
Emu: ha ha, and youd be very unhappy
Remi: lol
Remi: i've had lots of windows opened at the same time,
Remi: most of them made me laugh
Remi: so i've been laughing continuously for 15 minutes now!

Et en bonnus, un truc qu'il va falloir que j'essaye de faire un jour. Ca vient d'un de mes blogs favorits.

Monday, September 11, 2006

My kitchen is not better

More courgette on the menu tonight: another cake and some papillote de courgette et barbet - made with haddock as i wouldn't know where to look for barbet here. Great food but the kitchen looks like this:

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Le courrier en retard

Ce qui me rassure, c'est que je n'en suis pas encore la:

Monday, September 04, 2006

Triffid Cake

I've missed the seeding season for my veggy patch, except for the courgettes. At the end of August, they were impressive:

They are so big i call them triffids. With this one, i made a cake, a ratatouille and a lamb curry. Here's what the cake preparation looked like:

There's 3 more of these monsters, still growing :))

PS: The receipe i used for the cake is here