Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Thank you Tom !

2 weeks ago Tom was at home in Australia:

Last weekend we did the Original Mountain Marathon. This is what it looked like on day 1:

In spite of being very tired, and having injured his feet Tom kept going and we finished the race. Here he is just 4 minutes before crossing the finish line:

So a huge thank you for Tom without whom i would have missed this cherished event two years in a row...

Friday, October 27, 2006

Mountain marathon

We're off! long drive to Galloway (south of Glasgow)

You can follow our the event on the internet here. I'm competing with Tom from Australia, we are team 466 doing the class B race.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Job Interview

L'interview hiers s'est tres bien passee

The job interview yesterday went really well

Je devrais donc d'ici peu travailler comme consultant independant pour une boite de consultants en environnement. Mon boulot consisterait a continuer de faire ce que je fais en ce moment, avec plus de moyens, en etant paye, et sur de plus gros projets, avec des plus gros clients... Mais ne vendons pas la peau de l'ours avant d'avvoir recu le contrat...

If it all goes well between my boss (who found me the job) and their boss (with whom i got on well and who gets on very well with my boss...) then i would be well paid to continue the work that i'm already doing for the startup, with more resources, access to a bigger client base, etc... Still let's not count our chicken...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Ne desesperez pas si vous sous sentez nul en anglais: Il y des milions de chinois qui font pire, et officielement en plus! Le site de la BBC nous montre des traductions hilarantes en prevision des jeux olympiques:

Cliquez ici ca vous ramenera des annees en arriere aux meileurs moments des cours d'anglais pour debutants...
Note: pour voir les autres images de paneaux chinois cliquez sur next en bas a droite.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

C'est une premiere !

J'ai mis un pied dans le foot strap et je ne me suis meme pas vautre! Et des deux cotes en plus! Pour ceux qui ne comprennent pas, ca veut dire que je progresse en planche a voile.

A part ca, j'ai un meeting d'embauche mercredi pour lequel je croise les doigts tres forts.

Et je commence a m'inquiter de n'avoir pas vait de course d'orientation en preparation du OMM. C'est une course de deux jours en autonomie complete - donc on transporte tente, sac de couchage, rechaud, nouriture - par equipe de deux. 60km pour ceux qui ne se trompent pas en lisant la carte ! Si vous voulez voir a quoi ca ressemble, cliquez ici

La deuxieme fois que je l'ai fait, tout a la fin on a double Jamie Andrew, le quadruple ampute qui fait de la montagne. De loin, il ressemblait a un mini tripode de la guerre des mondes version annee 50. En le doublant, je lui lance un "well done". Son partenaire a repondu "yes it's true, well done, we deserve it". Du coup j'en ai oublie mes jambes, mon dos et tout le reste!

Friday, October 13, 2006

It's a new record !

It's not the biggest, it's not the heaviest...

It's the longest!

And i've already made one and a half cake with less than a quarter of this monster!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Planche a voile

Du vent, personne pour aller grimper, temps sec et pas trop froid: conditions ideales pour sortir la planche a voile.

Je suis alle a Carsington water. Ca faisait longtemps que je n'avais fait de la planche en etant en pleine forme. J'en ai vraiment profite, d'autant plus qu'ayant une bonne combi, et ne tombant pas souvent, je n'avais pas froid du tout.

Voici la seule image potable prise avec mon telephone. Ce n'est pas moi au depart, en fait ma blanche est sur la berge:

Monday, October 02, 2006

So much to do, so little time

In the past 2 weeks, i have:

  • Worked 72 hours in the sports shop,
  • Been to Paris and back for a 2 days consulting mission,
  • Translated the relevant pre-meeting papers in English,
And still managed to:

  • Run 4 times, up the hill i can see from my window (1h-1h1/2),
  • Go to the climbing wall each week,
  • And salsa lessons 3 times (!),
  • Finish tiling and painting the kitchen wall after the plasterer made it look flat,
  • Have lunch with my Mum who was visiting a friend in Paris, and also grab a cup of tea with her before she left.

The not so good news is that the consulting mission didn't go exactly to plan, there will be a delay which means that i won't be going back to Paris as planned next month. It's a shame, i would have been there at the same time as Guigou, we would both have stayed at Pascale's. She was already planning to take us to a recording session of Radio France as well as to her mean stretching class.
Can't have it all!

As a bonus, click here to check out what i had to do the day before flying of to Paris.