Saturday, July 26, 2008

gps tracks

Linux computer + garmin etrex gps = lots of head scratching, and success at last. Here is a map of last sunday's bike ride:

Now i have to tackle the backlog of such maps, and to find a way to upload routes on the gps. But for now i am happy :))

I would like to thank fub for his explanations.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

cheap sci-fi set

I had to cycle through a cement factory on Sunday. It felt as if i was visiting the set for a cheap science fiction television series:

Here's another one, a bit more 70's "James Bond":

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Truth about Politics

Click on the picture and play the "time for some campaignin'" video to have a good laugh...

Monday, July 14, 2008

It's a sign...

That i'd never seen before. Somewhere between the M40 and Banbury - trying to escape from the mayhem on the motorway... Here's the bridge in question:

Fortunately there was a layby soon after. The "road" was a bit narrow...