Sunday, December 21, 2008

Vacances chez Oliver

Premiere journee en famille. l'apres midi, nous sommes alles a Semnoz faire du ski de fond.

Tres belle vue avec cette inversion nuageuse et un groupe de randoneurs en raquettes:

Aujourd'hui, ski de randonnee dans le massif des Aravis, a Bellefrasse. Nous allons derriere la crete, entre les deux sommets centraux:

Comme je suis lourd (!) j'ai laisse l'apareil photo dans la voiture, et garde le gps. Voici notre trace:

De retour sur le parking. Hubert, Jean-Louis et Oliver:

Demain, Oliver et Hubert nous emmenent faire la traversee de la dent de Lanfon. Depart et retour a la frontalel, monte en raquette a neige, puis piolets et crampons. J'espere que l'echauffement de ce weekend sera sufisant!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

When i'm feeling blue...

... I cook!

I try to find a recipe to cheers me up - and also Louise :) Last week, I had an aubergine in the fridge:

Google to the rescue! Find a suitable recipe: a pie with aubergine in it.

The robot does the hard work - I wish...

Final result - it tasted as good as it looks!

And here's another one i did soon after, brocoli and blue cheese "gratin"

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Good bye Tom

Tom is going back to Australia. Some South African mountain biking friends of his organised a weekend in Afan (south Wales), so i fixed my bike and joined them.

On saturday, I really struggled to keep up for the whole 40km we did. But we had good, dry weather instead of the fog/drenching we were promised, and i really enjoyed the day. Here is an image of our ride, recorded by the GPS. Click here to open the file in google Earth, or to download it.

I only had my mobile to take pictures with, the quality is not too good.

At the start:

First breakdown - and only - breakdown:

First long climg, and last time i had the chance to take pictures of the others from the front (!)

First break:

Another break, I'll loose my smile soon:

Near the end we caught up with other friends who did a different ride. Here's Julie:

On sunday, I emptied all the spare layers from my bag to take the bigger camera:

After these 3 pictures i realised i'd left the gps in the car park, so i raced back down and then tried to catch up with the rest of the group, which i did after a couple of hours non stop except for this picture:

A big thanks to Claire and Spike who organised this. I hope to join you for more adventures on wheel next year!

And good luck to Tom on his return to Aus.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Les Visiteurs!

Isabelle et Guilhem sont venu pour un weekend - c'etait en octobre. On a eu beaucoup de chance avec le temps, plutot sec. Cliquez sur l'image ci dessous pour voir le reste des photos ou bien ici pour le diaporama.

Weekend in Amsterdam

Louise was doing a one week course in Arhem last month. I went with her in advance to enjoy a weekend in Amsterdam.

Click here the picture to access the other pictures from this trip, all on flickr