He got pulled up by the police because his tax disk was on the dashboard, not on the windscreen. Then they found that his insurance had expired - mix up with the insurance company apparently. Worst of all, apparently he's not allowed to drive here with his Aussie license. His car was impounded not far from where i live.
So today i went to the police with him to sort it all out, or as Tom says, to hand in an extortionate amount of money . His car is now on my drive, waiting for Tom to get an English license. Here's the two of us at the station:

By the way, the police woman thinks i can't really drive in England with my French license... More good news then! But i shouldn't worry, she also said my English is good enough to make the necessary phone calls...
Bon anniversaire Rémi, de la part de : Catherine, Nadia, Michel, Louis, Camille et Liam.
En italie une policière a dit à ta soeur que son permis international français n'était pas valable. Son équipier lui a dit que si. Ils sont allés vérifier dans leurs papiers etLe permis est bien valable. Donc c'est peut-etre la même chose en Angleterre. Voilà quelque chose à demander par e-mail à la France ou à l'ambassade.
Just tell them about "reciprocity" : what about all English tourists having to get a French driving license ? That would be funny... By the way, I don't think the European driving license we all have was created to add more red tape in our lives.
Chavaniers/Leclercs > C'est sympa, merci! Et pour me ratrapper d'avoir manque vos anniversaires, il va falloir que je fasse quelque chose de sympa...
Maman > Je ne suis pas sur que ce soit une bonne chose pour la police anglaise de s'aligner sur la police italienne...
Bernard > Ma grande idee, c'est d'avoir les deux permis anglais et francais, comme ca j'aurais 24 points!
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