To warm up, a very nice route, zelda. Seen from the top of our last route of the day, with other climbers half way up:

We had lunch. Left to right, Heather, Scott and Jamie:

I couldn't resist a bit of French style climbing up that desperate corner, with 3 shiny new bolts and a bolted belay. First, delicate, balancy moves up a featureless corner:

Then the resting on bolt, scratching of head, marking of foothold with chalk trying to decipher the move:

That didn't prevent me from having to pull on the gear, desperately growing my arm to clip the next one...

Funny how the hand traverse - no foothold whatsoever - felt easy after the corner

That was yeeeaaah!, an E2 6b - strange grade, i should have guessed! To recover, i had this classic easter English delicacy: a creme egg - and a cup of tea:

Heather had brought everybody some chocolate egg, how nice! Thanks...
Moving on to a classic multi pitch English VS, cheetah. Classic because the second pitch has no gear placement in the last 2 thirds, only one old peg between the tree next to Scott and the one on the right. What a buzz!

Here is Scott at the final belay

A brilliant day then! Thanks to Nick for driving and Hazel for the pictures on yeeeaaah!
I nearly got a classic shot of Scott yawning while you were scratching your head on yeahhh!! Not that you were taking THAT was probably just because we'd all just eaten!
This is a good site by the way. I can practise my French too!
Hazel > Thanks! I promise i'll be more entertaining next time...
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