Colette > C'est un vers! il etait bien vivant, et avait commence a manger ma mandarine. Je ne sais pas comment il est entre dedans, car le fruit n'etait pas abime a l'exterieur...
Mike > It's a small worm i found in a tangerine. I don't know how it got in there as there was no visible damage to the skin, but it had nested right in the center!
Je ne comprends pas ce que c'est. Colette
Colette > C'est un vers! il etait bien vivant, et avait commence a manger ma mandarine. Je ne sais pas comment il est entre dedans, car le fruit n'etait pas abime a l'exterieur...
Can we have that in English please Remi - mon Francais c'est tres mal!
Mike > It's a small worm i found in a tangerine. I don't know how it got in there as there was no visible damage to the skin, but it had nested right in the center!
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