Monday, September 11, 2006

My kitchen is not better

More courgette on the menu tonight: another cake and some papillote de courgette et barbet - made with haddock as i wouldn't know where to look for barbet here. Great food but the kitchen looks like this:


Scooter Thompson said...

Hey Remi,
Thanks for visiting yesterday! Hopefully, you enjoyed the site and will continue to visit often. New reviews, of course, are posted every day, plus links to help you find posters, soundtracks, and products related to your favorite films and stars.

Nice work on your blog! Wish I knew hot to cook as well as you do.



movie critic for

allan kelly said...

Aren't you getting a little sick of Courgette by now?

allan kelly said...

BTW Nice piece of marking by They must actually have real people following up on leads. Interesting approach....

Anonymous said...

une cuisine en désordre veut dire que tu t'ensers et que tu n'as ps des marmitons qui lavent et récuent derrière toi. continueà te régaler en cuisinant;

Remi said...

Scooter > Thanks! Nice bit of marketing by the way...
Allan > My deepfreezer is filling up with courgette dishes!
Colette > C'est bien vrai!