Thursday, March 02, 2006

Bush and Bird flu

Bush et la grippe aviaire

Let's recap: 2 weeks in India to kickstart the research team here. The first few days, i got everything that depends on other people started. The plan was to then visit a few things instead of staring at the computer screen waiting for answers.

But then Georges W arrived. Now, India streets can be described as bursting with life and energy at the best of times, but right now it's more like complete chaos in Delhi. They've even given official instructions to allow students sitting exams to be allowed in if they arrive late and to let them stay longer to have their normal allocated exam time!

Hence no Delhi for Remi, and no Taj Mahal either as i would need to catch a train from Delhi.

I found one recommended thing to do from here, without going into Delhi: there is a famous wild bird reserve 20km from where i'm staying. But there is a bird flu warning in yesterday's paper about this place.

In the meantime, i've done some reading and worked on putting some colour on my website and pictures on my blog. I'm having problems ftp-ing from here though... This may have to wait till i come back.

Je suis en Inde pour deux semaines, pour le boulot. Je dois mettre en place une equipe d'analystes pour la startup Londonienne qui m'emploie 3 jours par semaine -et me paye deupis Octobre dernier (!) Les premiers jours, j'etais a fond pour demarer tous les trucs qui dependent d'autres personnes.

J'aurais alors du faire un peu de tourisme en attendant les reponses. Sauf que Bush est arrive! Pas question de mettre un pied a Delhi du coup. Deja que d'habitude, c'est un joyeux bazar, mais en ce moment c'est chaotique!

Pas de visite du grand muse, pas de train pour aller au Taj Mahal... Le seul truc que j'ai trouve qui me soit recommende par le Lonnely Plannet, de mon cote de Dlhi, c'est une reserve d'oiseaux sauvages. Mais le journal d'hiers deconseille d'y aller a cause de la grippe aviare!

Je profitte donc de tout ce temps libre pour lire et travailler mon site web. Sauf que mon programme de transfer de fichiers ne marche pas ici ?! C'est la vie!

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